Learning   Skills

"Through learning, we re-create ourselves... Through learning we reperceive the world and our relationship to it. Through learning we extend our capacity to create, to be part of the generative process of life. " (Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline)

Holocene uses living systems biology and dynamic systems thinking as a framework and metaphor to enhance the ability to learn as individuals and organizations. We believe that a creative and abundant future can be made possible through an ability to 'think like an ecosystem'.

What Skills?

Mind mapping - see connections and patterns

Creative thinking techniques - explore new possibilities

Systems and contextual analysis

Analysis by sustainability criteria

Innovative design to meet needs in a sustainable way

Goal formation and creating a shared vision

Permaculture - ecological system design

Holistic decision making process

Dialogue and meaningful participation

Exploring mental models and perception

How can you learn these skills?